Can You Do It?


Fear comes in many forms. It could be an interview for a better job, a move to a new city or a big, scary athletic endeavor. Regardless, fear, and the act of facing it, keeps us alive.

My two fears of choice at the moment are the Men's Health Urbanathlon I am doing with Nike Field Reporter and the Great Floridian, an Ironman-distance triathlon. Both events push me to conquer obstacles and distances I've never attempted before.

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Making it across concrete balance beams without falling off, getting over giant tire obstacles, crawling under nets, leaping over Marine hurdles?

Swimming 2.4 miles, biking 112 miles... and then finishing it off with a full marathon? Ummmm.

These things have kept me up at night. I've had negative self-talk telling myself that there are so many others who can swim/bike/run faster and better than me. I'm unprepared. What workouts I need to do, for how long and how often have stressed me out until I came to a specific realization in the middle of a long run.

I train. I'm dedicated. I believe in myself. So what's the hold up?

It all boiled down to one question: At the end of the day, do I believe I can do this?

Even if my training is less than it can be, even if I miss a run or forget to cover an obstacle, do I believe I have what it takes to finish and conquer the fear?

After long, hard thinking I realized, yes- I know I will finish both events and do my absolute best from start to finish.

Realizing this truth gave me the confidence I needed to relax and embrace my training. I'm going on crazy long runs and bike rides and planning a few parkour classes because it is the territory that comes with such events, but even if I don't do it perfectly, and even if I come in last on race day, deep down I know I will conquer.

What fears are you facing? Have you put complete trust in your ability to conquer them?