My Life in 10 Years


I was debating posting this written vision of my life in 10 years online, but as friends on Twitter reminded me, posting it can only help it come true.

Inspired by lululemon's goal-setting culture and tools, here is how I see my life in 10 years:

It's a Sunday, my family's favorite day of the week. The kids push our bedroom open and tackle my husband and me in our big, white bed. The standard weekend morning tickle-fest has begun.

Somehow I escape from the giggling commotion as my feet hit the cool wood floor of our Portland, OR, home. I dance down the hallway, past the kids' bedrooms painted in bright blues and greens, to our spacious kitchen. I pull out the ingredients for vegan banana pancakes, my specialty, moments before six little feet followed by my handsome husband make their way to the kitchen counter.

We enjoy breakfast on our back porch, overlooking the beautiful Portland landscape with our dogs laying at our feet. Acoustic music plays through speakers in the background. The kids are all smiles as we discuss our annual vacation outside the country.

The kids' personalities shine through their colorful, mismatched clothing choices as we get ready for a family hike. We love spending time together outdoors. Date nights usually include my husband and me taking long bike rides through uncharted territory, but we are even happier when we include the whole family.

My husband grabs me by the waist and kisses the top of my head as we leave our red front door behind us. The kids run ahead, picking small flowers along the way.

We rush off to church service upon returning from our hike. Our faith is a priority and is discussed regularly, along with our goals and dreams and opinions. We are quite a talkative, expressive family.

After a quick stop at the farmer's market, the remainder of the afternoon is spent relaxing around the house. My husband chops fresh vegetables for dinner as we reminisce about how we first met eight years ago.

I work on my book and write articles from home, with most of my time dedicated to developing my family. I jot down notes of where the kids and I will travel throughout the upcoming week. I map out my workouts. My fifth Ironman is coming up soon!

I am content with life as it is. My family is my priority and love is the foundation.

Have you thought of where you see yourself in 10 years?