Fifty Miles


So.... I'm running 50 miles in the morning!

With the excitement of the engagement, this race has somewhat been put on the back burner.

running for 10+ hours < hot man putting a ring on it

Google "training plans" for 5ks to marathons and the results are endless. Everyone knows someone who has done a marathon and is willing to give advice.

The world of ultra marathons is very different. Training plans are few and far between. The races bring together a small crowd of dedicated, earthy runners. My view of their training plans is that they just know what to do. I've never seen an ultra-marathoner get as antsy or hyped up about a long race as a marathoner or other racer. Ultra marathoners are few, knowledgeable and hardcore.

Few training plans (or even guidelines for that matter) mean that I'm not really sure how my training went. I did a trail marathon three weekends ago (didn't recap), a road marathon two weeks ago (ooops... didn't recap that one either!), but my runs in between have been shorter than I'd like. The past two weeks I've laid low. My schedule picked up with work and, really, who wants to run for hours when you have a hot man in your house?

I'm sure I could have run farther in distance or more often, but overall I am confident in my training. I'm strong and my endurance kicks a$$.

But, it's 50 miles. FIFTY MILES!!!!


This brings into play the entire reason I run. Running is just one foot in front of the other with a little thought thrown in. It's easy. I know my body can do it. And I know my body is strong enough for it because I've done an Ironman, a half marathon and two full marathons in the last six weeks.

So that leaves me with my mind. My mind likes to introduce boredom, pain intolerance, self-doubt and distraction into the game. One foot will go in front of the other, but my mind plays a harder game.

So I will persevere. I will push when it is hard. I won't be afraid of the burn in my lungs that reminds me my body is working. I will trust this machine and all the work I've put into it. I will look at the ring on my left hand and remember the man who believes in me with everything he has. I will think of you all.

Tomorrow morning I will wake up, run 50 miles and be that much stronger for it.

Distance is just a number. We place limits on ourselves. Push through them.


What is your biggest obstacle when running or working toward a goal? How do you overcome it?